Fate/Grand Order Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia 14 #FGO_ep7 #FGOBabylonia

Fate/Grand Order Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia 14
#FGO_ep7 #FGOBabylonia

Fate/Grand Order -絶対魔獣戦線バビロニア- Episode 14
Fate/Grand Order: Zettai Majū Sensen Babylonia ep. 14

SPOILER Summary/Synopsis

Ana greets Ritsuka’s party outside of Uruk’s gates. They head to the palace to have a strategy meeting with Gilgamesh. He plans to have Quetzalcoatl and Jaguar Man form a diversion at the Northern Wall. Meanwhile, Ritsuka, Mash, Merlin, Ana, and Ishtar will head to Gorgon’s Blood Fort temple. Quetzalcoatl will then sling the Axe of Marduk across the miles to Merlin, who will then send it into Gorgon’s temple.

Fate/Grand Order Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia 14

That evening, Ritsuka and Mash find an old lady entering their former embassy home. She wanted to thank Ana for helping her. The next day, the group travel to the Northern Wall. On route, Merlin allows Ritsuka to ask one personal question, which Merlin answers. That night on the wall, Ritsuka attempts to give Ana the gift from the old lady. Ana refuses, but states she does have new purpose in fighting–for the people of Uruk.

Fate/Grand Order Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia 14

The next day, Quetzalcoatl and Jaguar Man are battling demonic beasts. Kingu (Enkidu) reinforces the monsters. However, Kingu realizes too late what Quetzalcoatl is doing with the Axe of Marduk. As such, Gorgon’s divinity is cut in half as her temple is heavily damaged. Kingu retreats to help Gorgon while Ritsuka’s party enters the Blood Fort.

Fate/Grand Order Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia 14

Mash is disturbed by the humans who are being converted into other things. She’s reminded that they have to deal with Gorgon first. Ana apologizes to Mash and asks for her strength. The group confront Gorgon, who offers to let Ritsuka become her Master, for a price. He refuses. Ana removes her hood and confronts her monstrous self. Gorgon retracts in horror as Merlin unlocks Ana’s divinity abilities and her Mystic Eyes.

Fate/Grand Order Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia 14


And so the confrontation of Gorgon begins with Fate/Grand Order Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia 14. And an enjoyable episode it was too.

Fate/Grand Order Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia 14

Gorgon, Ana, and Medusa

Although the episode didn’t spell it out, it did reveal that Ana and Gorgon are the same person–Medusa. In Fate/stay night, Medusa was a Rider. In Fate/Grand Order Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia, Medusa is both a Lancer Servant (Ana) and an Avenger Servant (Gorgon).

Fate/Grand Order Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia 14

As a long time fan of the Fate franchise, it is rather tragic to see what Medusa became. I’m glad her Ana version is good, though I’ve no clue what is in store for her. That said, no matter what happens here, it does make me glad for a series like Today’s Menu for Emiya Family. There, Medusa has the happiest end of all, as far as I am aware of.

Fate/Grand Order Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia 14

The Horrors Within

As I’ve mentioned before, when I played this part of the Fate/Grand Order game, I skipped the story due to time constraints. That said, by virtue of having played the game, I do have some notion of the horrors that await.

Fate/Grand Order Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia 14

That said, I understand where Mash was coming from in her concern for the humans being converted. But I also understand why Ritsuka had to be somewhat tough on her. They have to defeat Gorgon first.

Fate/Grand Order Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia 14

Final Thoughts and Conclusion

Let me wrap up my review of Fate/Grand Order Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia 14 with some final thoughts.

  • So if it was so simple to release Ereshkigal from the Three Goddess Alliance, why wasn’t it equally as simple to release Quetzalcoatl from the contract?
  • Also, why did Merlin not follow through on his promise? Instead, he had Quetzalcoatl still be the one who attacked Gorgon’s temple.

Fate/Grand Order Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia 14

In the end, Fate/Grand Order Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia 14 was a very enjoyable episode with a hint of tragedy.

Fate/Grand Order Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia 14

Note: For those interested, I do have some videos on YouTube created for the Fate/Grand Order mobile game. I’m looking to hit 1000 subscribers on YouTube, so click this link to help me reach my goal. 😁

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3 Responses to “Fate/Grand Order Absolute Demonic Front: Babylonia 14 #FGO_ep7 #FGOBabylonia”

  1. arimareiji says:

    I don’t understand any of this well, so please forgive if any of the below is incorrect.

    As such, Gorgon’s divinity is cut in half as her temple is heavily damaged.

    It sounded to me like they said Quetzalcoatl had her divinity cut in half, as a penalty for being “tricked” (?) into attacking the temple. I didn’t catch where they said Gorgon’s was cut in half, but it would certainly make sense.

    So if it was so simple to release Ereshkigal from the Three Goddess Alliance, why wasn’t it equally as simple to release Quetzalcoatl from the contract?

    To me, it sounded like they said Quetzalcoatl was penalized for breaking the contract by attacking the temple. I don’t recall Ereshkigal breaking it, at least not per se.
    (It would take one heck of a contract to specify “do whatever is in the other’s best interest” so clearly that anything Ereshkigal has done would be a breach of contract per se. I don’t think even marriage contracts have managed to make that an explicit, enforceable constraint.)

    Although the episode didn’t spell it out, it did reveal that Ana and Gorgon are the same person–Medusa.

    Thank you, I got that feeling – but it’s nice to know for sure.

    So with this fear-inspiring revelation, could you say that Medusa is going to be… beside herself? Literally. *ba-dum-tchhh*
    (I blame Weird Al for this godawful pun, via “I Think I’m A Clone Now”.)

    • AstroNerdBoy says:

      It sounded to me like they said Quetzalcoatl had her divinity cut in half, as a penalty for being “tricked” (?) into attacking the temple. I didn’t catch where they said Gorgon’s was cut in half, but it would certainly make sense.

      I didn’t catch that about Quetzalcoatl, but you may be right there. However, Kingu (Enkidu) left because he sensed Gorgon’s divinity had fallen…at least, that’s how it came across to me.

      To me, it sounded like they said Quetzalcoatl was penalized for breaking the contract by attacking the temple.

      If she did break it, that makes sense. My point was why didn’t Merlin use the same method on Quetzalcoatl that he used on Eresh?

      So with this fear-inspiring revelation, could you say that Medusa is going to be… beside herself? Literally. *ba-dum-tchhh*


      • arimareiji says:

        If she did break it, that makes sense. My point was why didn’t Merlin use the same method on Quetzalcoatl that he used on Eresh?

        Fair point. I lost sight of that, because I went off in my own direction and focused only on “why did she get punished, when AFAWK Eresh hasn’t been”. (It probably doesn’t help that I don’t clearly remember whatever Merlin did.)

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